Looking out towards the sea from the 3rd Medal green. |
September signals the start of Autumn. The days are getting shorter, with the first grass frosts being witnessed at the start of the month. Signs of the change in seasons can be seen all over the links with mushrooms, berries and other fruit all on full display. They provide an important food source for birds and other animals.
Although there doesn't seem to be the same amount of mushrooms and fungi as in previous years, as you can see below, there is still a good variety to be seen.
The parasol mushroom can be seen growing in the rough, especially around the 7th hole on the medal course.
Sulphur Tuft.
This photo was taken close to the 11th medal tees, it was growing out of an old gorse stump.
I believe that the two photos pictured above are members of the Mycena family of which there are over 100 varieties of in Britain. Because of the number of different species of mushroom it is very difficult to be certain.
Bracket Fungus.
This example of bracket fungus was taken to the right of the 11th fairway, again this was growing out of an old rotten gorse stump. I have seen quite a few similar fungi around the links. |
Puff Ball.
The Puff Ball can be seen all over the links, there seems to be a number of different varieties, some with smooth skin and others like the one above which have a complex texture. |
Puff Ball showing fruiting spores.
The spores of the Puff Ball are usually spread in the wind, The spores can often look a bit like smoke when a mature puff ball is knocked against or run over by a mower and the spores are released into the air.
At this time of year many plants on the links have produced fruit of one kind or another. Not only do they provide an important additional food source for the many birds and mammals that are to be seen on the golf courses but many can also be made into food and drink for human consumption.
Brambles can be seen all over the links, they often use gorse bushes for support. They can be used to make great tasting jams and jelly.
The fruit of the wild rose. They that they can be used to make rosehip syrup but I haven't heard of anyone who has made any.
Quite a few of these self seeded shrubs can be seen growing on the Broomfield course. Birds especially seem to like these berries.
Elder bushes can be seen in various locations on links. Not only do they provide food for birds but they can also be collected and made into a great red wine.
Pictured below is a selection of the other flora and fauna that I have photographed this month.
This robin made a visit to the office within the greenkeeping sheds. Although they are seen at all times of the year it is normally from now and through the winter that they are more often seen. It is seldom that a robin doesn't join the greenkeepers when they are undertaking constructing work or cutting out gorse. They can become quite tame as they peck about for grubs etc. |
Barnacle Goose.
The goose above just appeared on the practice ground outside the greenkeeper sheds. It is the first time that I have seen one on the ground on the golf course, I'm not sure why it appeared but it only stayed for a couple of hours before it took off again.
Spiders web. |

Spiders Webs.
I mentioned in a previous post that in misty conditions it becomes apparent just how many spiders are present on the links. As you can see in the above photo the gorse bushes are covered in webs, however as soon as the mist disappears you would never know that they exist.
A great looking butterfly that was spotted on a number of occasions, most often on the wild flowers to the left of the 18th Broomfield fairway.
Painted Lady.
Another striking butterfly, it was seen in good numbers all over the links. |
Red Admiral.
Probably one of the most familiar species of butterfly. This one was photographed feeding on ragwort. Again good numbers have been seen around the links.
Red Admiral.
This butterfly was feeding on Field Scabious , This wild flower attracts large numbers of insects including bees and butterflies.
Black Slug.
These large slugs can be seen during wet weather when they seem to come out into the open, in dry conditions they are rarely seen.
Devils Coachman.
This fearsome little insect looks a bit like a scorpion. Although not the best photograph it clearly shows its arched body which it displays when threatened. It can give a painful bite using its pincer like jaws, it can also emits a foul smelling odour as a defensive secretion from glands at the end of its abdomen.
This lone crocus was seen growing close to the greenkeepers sheds and was still in flower at the end of the month.
Woody Nightshade.
This poisonous creeping plant was seen growing beside our soil heap. It is a species of vine in the potato family and uses other plants for support and to climb up.
Spotted Dead Nettle.
A patch of this plant can be seen growing close to our wash bay reed bed.
Next month I will highlight some of the life on the golf courses that isn't always so welcome.
Les Rae
First Assistant
Montrose Golf Links Limited.